MeetFighters is Temporary Offline

Last update: 3rd September 2024 - 11:30 am CET (UTC+2)
Please try again later.

Update: 3rd September 2024 - 11:30 am CET (UTC+2)
MeetFighters is online again, see our statement: MeetFighters Outage Update: Technical Issue Resolved, No Data Breach

Update: 3rd September 2024 - 10:10 am CET (UTC+2)
Latest update from the data center company ticker: "[...] many of the hosts are down at the moment. [...] some of the servers are still unreachable [...] "
We have regained internal access to our server and are currently evaluating the situation. However, the conditions at the data center remain suboptimal and unclear. Because of the ongoing issues at the data center, we are currently unable to bring MeetFighters back online.

Update: 3rd September 2024 - 02:15 am CET (UTC+2)
There are still no new updates available, which means MeetFighters will remain down until at least tomorrow morning CET. We hope to wake up to good news, and we deeply apologize for the ongoing outage. We share your frustration, but unfortunately, this current issue is beyond our control.

Update: 2nd September 2024 - 09:30 pm CET (UTC+2)
Unfortunately, it appears that our server is not yet among those that are back online. We will continue to wait and hope for a swift resolution. On the bright side, it seems the major issue has been addressed, and the data center is gradually coming back online. We remain optimistic that our server will be restored soon.

Update: 2nd September 2024 - 09:20 pm CET (UTC+2)
Latest update from the data center company ticker: "[...] majority of the affected servers are back online [...]"
Some good news at last: as seen above, the provider has updated us that "most servers" are now back online. We will be checking our servers shortly and are hopeful that MeetFighters is among them. There is finally light at the end of the tunnel!

Update: 2nd September 2024 - 09:00 pm CET (UTC+2)
The outage has now lasted over 10 hours, and unfortunately, we haven't received any new updates from the data center company in over 3 hours. They have informed us that they are working diligently to resolve the issue, which is not only affecting our server but also nearly all servers and websites they host, as indicated on their X/Twitter account.

This is the longest downtime in MeetFighters' history by far, and we deeply apologize for the inconvenience. In parallel, we are preparing to relaunch the site from our backup taken yesterday, although we hope this won't be necessary and that the data center will resolve the issues very soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Update: 2nd September 2024 - 02:50 pm CET (UTC+2)
Latest update from the data center company ticker: "[...] technicians are actively working [...] currently no estimated time for resolution [...]"
We're beginning preparations to set up a new MF server from our backup in parallel, though hopefully, it won't be necessary.

Update: 2nd September 2024 - 01:30 pm CET (UTC+2)
Latest update from the data center company ticker:"[...] technicians are still working [...] next update in 3h [...]"
Unfortunately, the issue at the data center is still unresolved.
We deeply apologize to everyone who had planned a match today and is experiencing trouble connecting.
Currently, we have no access to our servers. As mentioned in our previous message, today’s outage reinforces our decision to transition away from our current data center. While it has served us well for many years, recent issues have prompted us to seek more reliable solutions.
To prevent future disruptions, we are considering implementing failovers hosted on secondary data centers. Given MeetFighters’ growth, we believe the additional costs are justified. We will evaluate the feasibility and see if our current contributors can support this upgrade.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Update: 2nd September 2024 - 11:45 am CET (UTC+2)
Latest update from the data center company ticker:"[...]Our technicians are still working on resolving the issue.[...]"
Need your Chat fix? While it’s unfortunate that the #MeetFighters site and chat room are currently down, there’s a small alternative. You can join the
to stay connected. Rest assured, we did not disable MeetFighters to promote this chat. But since the chat is down, if you need your daily chat fix, give it a try!

Update: 2nd September 2024 - 11:20 am CET (UTC+2)
Latest update from the data center company ticker: "[...]unexpected cooling issue of the data center[...]"

Original message: 2nd September 2024 - 11:00 am CET (UTC+2):
We are currently experiencing an outage at the data center hosting the MeetFighters website. The data center is aware of the issue, which is affecting multiple sites, not just MeetFighters. We hope the problem will be resolved soon, but it is beyond our control.

MeetFighters has been hosted at this data center for many years. Unfortunately, in recent years, the data center has experienced more outages and performance issues than we are comfortable with.

In the meantime, you can try out our other sites, which are hosted by our new providers. In the long term, we plan to move MeetFighters to one of these new providers as well.

For now, we can only wait and hope that the issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

At the moment, we assume that the site will be available again later today, but this is purely our assumption and not an official statement from the data center.

We will post an update here as soon as we have more information about the estimated recovery time.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

-- The MeetFighters team